Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

2 Subjects

Plant Adaptations

Plant Adaptations

Q 1. Mosses and liverworts are not well adapted to life on land. Given the adaptations mentioned in the lab, what are some factors that these plants have been able to adapt to? 2. What is the advantage of having a vascular system in plants? 3. What is the advantage of being able to close your stomata? 4. How does having a seed and pollen help plants to be better adapted to land? 5. Hypothesize why apical dominance is useful for conifers. Look up an image of a grey pine, notice that they tend to be multi-trunked and have little apical dominance. Hypothesize why that difference might exist. 6. Give examples of five types of flowers and how they are adapted to a particular pollinator. e.g. the color of the flower and who it attracts, the shape of the flower and who it attracts. Be specific. 7. In the lab you were tasked with needing to look up some adaptations to fire and herbivory. List two fire adaptations and two herbivory adaptations. Describe how those adaptations help the plant.

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1. Mosses and liverworts are not well adapted to life on land. Given the adaptations mentioned in the lab, what are some factors that these plants have been able to adapt to? They have adapted being able to survive on land such as having a waxy covering on their leaves non as a cuticle. They also have a structure similar to roots non as rhizoids. 2. What is the advantage of having a vascular system in plants?